Who Taught “Disinformation” to the World? | “For people with a four-second attention span, watch a four-minute video from forty year years ago,” Edward Snowden. (Video)


CIA Officer Frank Snepp Discusses Planting Stories In Major Newspapers (1983)

On a website for people with a four-second attention span, that’s a lot of folks who stopped to watch a four-minute video from forty year years ago. Real numbers. https://t.co/shyAKE8SJt

— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) November 9, 2022

What Are
Cyber™ Risks?

What Is Geo-Poli-Cyber™?
MLi Group created the terms Poli-Cyber™ and Geo-Poli-Cyber™ in 2012. Geo-Poli-Cyber™ hacks are political, ideological, extremist, and ‘religious’ motivated attacks. They are the hacks that cyber security, resiliency and continuity strategies and solutions continue to fail to defend governments and organizations routinely. Key are the destruction/devastation motivated new breed of Geo-Poli-Cyber hackers and lone wolfs who are often directed or backed by not only enemies but presumed allies.
2021 (C) All rights reserved. MLi Group