Is Tech Giants’ Claim That Their AI is “Good AI” at RSA Conference Trustworthy? or, Should We All Start Being Seriously Alarmed? (Video).

Khaled Fattal reports directly from and about the RSA Conference 2023 in San Fransciso to shed light on the latest in the good, the bad and the very ugly in cyber threats, technology trends, and mitigation strategies & solutions being showcased at RSA.

Today report is on RSA’s main theme being Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Vendors’ claims that their AI is “Good AI”.

Asking the question:

Is Tech Giants’ Claim at RSA that their AI is “Good AI” Trustworthy?


Should We All Start Being Seriously Alarmed?

Watch Khaled Fattal’s video report and analysis and make your opinion/voice heard.

Session Slides and Pictures.

Some slides and pictures from the RSA conference and the session titled “Geopolitical Resilience” by Microsoft (who bought Chat GBT) and its Israeli partner company, Team8. 
Presenters marketed their companies and themselves with the claim that their AI is “GOOD AI”.
They also called on all stakeholders to adopt AI. ASAP, and that they cannot afford to miss the AI boat.
They also called on all to join them to collaborate in sharing experiences to develop AI for good.



What Are
Cyber™ Risks?

What Is Geo-Poli-Cyber™?
MLi Group created the terms Poli-Cyber™ and Geo-Poli-Cyber™ in 2012. Geo-Poli-Cyber™ hacks are political, ideological, extremist, and ‘religious’ motivated attacks. They are the hacks that cyber security, resiliency and continuity strategies and solutions continue to fail to defend governments and organizations routinely. Key are the destruction/devastation motivated new breed of Geo-Poli-Cyber hackers and lone wolfs who are often directed or backed by not only enemies but presumed allies.
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