About Us

About MLi Group

MLi Group is a global leader in the geopolitical, Geo-Poli-Cyber™, and cyber security risk assessment and mitigation space with its cyber and non-cyber Survivability Strategies, Solutions, and Services. Khaled Fattal is MLi Goup’s founder and executive chairman

MLi Group and its Survivability subsidiaries guide and help top decision makers in governments, institutions and small, medium and large business enterprises identify and mitigate the latest cyber and non-cyber threats – especially Geo-Poli-Cyber™ (GPC) attacks that are often perpetrated with the motivation to debilitate, devastate and/or destroy.

Today, far too many organizations and governments around the world are still unaware of their serious exposures to these geopolitical and Geo-Poli-Cyber™ risks and threats leaving them exposed to crippling new risks that remain seriously unmitigated.

Khaled Fattal has been involved in the global infrastructure of the Internet and its stability, resiliency and security since the mid-90’s. He is referred to as one of the fathers of the internet for championing and contributing to it becoming the Multilingual Internet it is today.

Fattal did so to enable ordinary citizens, and consumers, as well as small and medium size businesses all over the world who were left out of the internet phenomenon due to its English language barrier. Fattal did so to enable them to use the internet in their own local native languages, and to also create and empower new local entrepreneurs to offer solutions and services to their own local communities and societies’ daily challenges.

What are Geo-Poli-Cyber™ Risks, Threats & Warfare Exposures?

Khaled Fattal created the terms Poli-Cyber™ and Geo-Poli-Cyber™ in 2012. they are political, ideological, extremist, geopolitical, terroristic, etc. motivated attacks.

Geo-Poli-Cyber™ (GPCyber™) motivations differ significantly from financially motivated cyber-attacks in magnitude, impact, damage as well as mitigation strategies and solutions.

They are the hacks that cyber security, resiliency and continuity strategies and solutions continue to fail to defend governments and organizations routinely all over the world.

Key are the destruction/devastation motivated new breed of Geo-Poli-Cyber™ hackers and lone wolfs who are often directed, backed or funded by not only enemies but presumed allies who can often be more damaging than threats from rogue states.

Some of the Key perpetrators of GPCyber™ devastation/destruction motivated cyberattacks are the new breed of extremist and terrorist groups, lone wolves who are often directed or backed by not only enemies but by presumed allies.

Can you afford to remain unaware of your Geo-Poli-Cyber™ Risks, Threats & Warfare risks and threat Exposures & how to Mitigate them? 

  • Learn More: To learn more, and to identify actions you can take now to get started click here.
  • Request a No-Obligation Confidential Briefing: To submit your Expression of Interest for a no-obligation confidential top decision-maker briefing click here. (Term & Conditions apply).
  • For Urgent Matters & Needs: To book your Urgent One-on-One briefing with chairman Khaled Fattal click here. (Term & Conditions apply).

Why choose us

MLi Group, is also known as for last two decades as the Multilingual Internet Group, whose motto in recent years was

“CyberSecurity is no longer the keyword, Survivability is”.

In recent years it evolved to become:

“Security (cyber and non-cyber) is no longer the effective strategic focus, Survivability in a Geo-Poli-Cyber attacks & warfare threatened world is.

MLi Founder & Chairman Mr. Khaled Fattal has been involved in the global infrastructure of the Internet, its resiliency and security since mid-90’s, championed it and was a major contributor to making it the Multilingual Internet it is today.

Fattal was instrumental in the inclusion of the clause “Multilingualism of the Internet” in the United Nations World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) December 2003 Declaration of Principle which was signed by 172 nations.

MLi was one of the international experts invited by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in 2004 to the 1st UN consultations in New York on Internet Governance which led to the creation of the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF).

MLi has worked with other regional and international fora such as ITU, ICANN, and many others. Chairman Fattal has been one of ICANN’s longest standing participants since its creation in 1998 and served on the ICANN’s advisory committee to the President and board on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) since 2005.

MLi has worked directly with many local communities in helping them improve local Internet access, participation and inclusion, while keeping safety and security core to this mission. Worked also with governments in Africa, Middle East, Asia, Latin & North America, Europe and Australia.

Under MLi, Fattal created the MLi Group Survivability Strategies™ model, solutions and services in 2012 after predicting the rise of a new breed of destruction motivated cyber terrorists, such as ISIS, and the politically motivated hacks, and correctly predicting the inability of Resiliency, Continuity & Cyber Security Strategies to mitigate the changed global cyber & non-cyber threats landscape to businesses, governments and society.

MLi Group also created new labels to identify these new threats as Poli-Cyber™ and Geo-Poli-Cyber™ in 2012 and 2013.

Today, MLi helps businesses and governments mitigate the latest new threats such as the politically-motivated cyber-attacks aimed to alter the political and economic directions of nations, the destruction-motivated new breed of extremist terrorists who are perpetrating and inspiring political, ideological, ‘religious’ and especially cyber-attacks threatening corporate and national security & “Survivability”.

MLi & chairman Fattal are frequently invited to keynote, speak and chair public and private expos, international conferences and events, interviewed on radio and TV, and writes regularly for online and print cyber, internet, political, cyber and defence publications.

Fattal is also the creator and producer of “Era of the Unprecedented™” (EotU™) Investigative Program featuring University Screenings – Citizen Journalism – Interactive Debates & Live Streaming. Fattal created EotU™ because “Democracy is Under Unprecedented Threat” with the goal to create global public engagements & debates about societies challenges & to offer hope and new solutions moving forward.

More than 25 Years
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What Are
Cyber™ Risks?

What Is Geo-Poli-Cyber™?

MLi Group created the terms Poli-Cyber™ and Geo-Poli-Cyber™ (GPC™) in 2012 and 2013 based on the philosophy that if you cannot identify and name the threat, you cannot mitigate that threat.

Geo-Poli-Cyber™ attacks are political, ideological, terrorist, extremist, ‘religious’, and/or geo-politically motivated.

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